Community level action
SUAP Project partners can provide proposals for community-level interventions that address SUAP outcomes. Funding is provided based on needs assessment and discussion with partner organizations to serve local areas.
Community-level intervention proposals can come from any of the following groups:
- Alberta Alliance Who Educates and Advocates Responsibly (AAWEAR)
- City of Edmonton
- REACH Edmonton
- Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation
- School of Public Health, and the Design + Health Research and Innovation Lab University of Alberta, including the Department of Emergency Medicine
- Alberta Health Services (AHS)
- George Spady Society
- Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse (Prairie Node)
- Boyle McCauley Health Centre
- Boyle Street Community Services Streetworks
- Edmonton’s Heyoka Healing Society
- Bear Clan Patrol
- CHEW Project Youth Focused Group
- Edmonton’s Men’s Health Collective
- Boots on the Ground
- HIV Network of Edmonton Society
- Central McDougall Community
- Chinatown Transformation Collaborative
- McCauley Community
- North Edge Business Association
- Native Counselling Services
- Heyoka Healing Society
If you are not on the list please contact us at [email protected].
Needs assessment will be informed by the community engagement conducted in the summer targeting focused stakeholder groups which include community groups, businesses, frontline workers and Indigenous communities.

Community Initiatives

Neighourhood Contribution Program Guidelines
- Minimum: $5,000
- Maximum: $50,000
- Deadline to apply: September 30, 2022
- Successful proposals chosen: October 14, 2022
- Timeline of activities to be funded: October 2022 - March 31, 2023
Proposal Guidelines
- Budget provided with expenditures detailed
- Proposals need to respond to community needs as highlighted through either of the following:
- SUAP community engagement report to be released in September
- McCauley 2021 community engagement report [Download Here]
- Research and literature review on the topic of drug poisonings
- Community needs as highlighted through relationship building with project stakeholder groups which include: community groups, businesses, frontline workers or Indigenous communities
- Proposals need to highlight the outcomes and benefits created in the community
- Proposals need to predict their expected community reach as measured by their anticipated number of people served in high-risk communities by their proposed project/services
- Proposals need to include practical outcome indicators to track the positive progression of meeting goals
- Proposals can be no longer than 3 pages (including appendices)
- Groups may submit multiple different proposals
Eligibility Criteria
- Project proposals must focus on one or a combination of the following:
- Raising community awareness on the topic of drug poisonings
- Provide community education on the topic of drug poisonings
- Develop a community resource to address drug poisonings
- Develop a community support or service to address drug poisonings (Please note: a new “service” developed using contribution funding could include, but is not limited to: drug use education, provision of harm reduction supplies such as safe drug use equipment, picking up of needles/syringes in the community and safe disposal, education on health and social supports for the community, etc.)
- Has access to existing community resources and relationships to supplement project proposals
- Strong focus on high risk community groups:
- Communities CURRENTLY experiencing a high prevalence of substance use and/or a high number of drug poisonings and
- Communities AT RISK of experiencing a high prevalence of substance use and/or a high number of drug poisonings. Structural vulnerabilities may place certain communities at risk (e.g., males aged 30-40, Indigenous communities, inner city communities, people experiencing homelessness).
- Proposal has a dedicated project team
- Proposal advisory committee established to provide guidance and mentorship would be a strong asset
- Proposal team capacity to engage in the project
- Proposals need to address preventing drug poisonings within the city of Edmonton with a focus on high risk communities
- Three reports will be required as part of the contribution program agreement
- Indicator progress reports are due December 16, 2022 and February 17, 2023
- One final report is due April 10, 2023
- Templates for all reporting requirements will be provided
- The indicator progress reports must include:
- Funds used thus far by the project
- Outcome indicators to demonstrate the project is on track on meeting its goals
- Number and type of new services generated so far
- Number and demographics of stakeholders served by new services generated. These demographics include:
- Gender
- Official language
- Age
- Location
- Access/participation from specific populations such as Indigenous peoples, 2SLGBTQIA+, Racialized people/communities
- The final report must include:
- Total funds spend
- Report on outcomes
- Final number and type of new services generated
- Final number and demographics of stakeholders served by new services generated (to be used to assess the impact made in the community)

Working together to
take action on drug poisonings
Contact us at [email protected]